Tuesday, June 16, 2009

My 2nd Helping of COM 210

Well what can I say about COM 210? Man oh man, to be perfectly honest I was not at all that excited to be taking this class for the second time around. When I first took it with Ms. Sarkio, I would have to admit that I was pretty discouraged and I really wanted out of the Com major. As much as I love to write random ramblings here and there, it's just unfortunately not my forte.

Enough boo-hoos Marie, re-taking COM 210 was not as bad as I thought it would be. I actually did a lot better than I thought I would, maybe the candies amped up my writing ability- who knows? AP style is such a pain in the butt though, seriously. In high school, we were all just taught MLA and I mastered it like no other, but AP on the other hand is a whole different story- I felt like an elementary school kid who was trying to learn how to spell. The minor mistakes I have omitted were pretty pathetic and I get so upset at myself.

Aside from the whole AP style issue, I think my writing style has become more cool and distinct- far from perfect and honestly, I don't want it to be too polished anyways because my aim is to bring myself out through my writing and I want my readers to enjoy it as well.

Through this course I have also come to realize that I work better under pressure because I am definitely pushed to do it and I have no choice but to exert as much effort as I possibly can.

Because of this course, I also care a lot more about what is going on around me- and in the media. For awhile I just shut myself out from the mainstream and had my own thing going on and just read textbooks- but seriously, I do need to know what is going on out there!

Prof. Eaton is quite a rockin instructor and I like his humor and how he incorporates it with stuff that I really don't feel like learning, which in the end makes me have a desire to learn it. In this class, what you see is what you get- and I definitely benefited a lot, way far from discouraged I must say which is totally a good thing.

Monday, June 15, 2009


SANDUSKY, OHIO (June 12, 2009) - The Cedar Point Amusement Park will be hosting a parade to celebrate the world renowned Anheuser-Busch Clydesdales. The Clydesdales will be available for a public viewing from 1:30-2:00 this Friday before their official showcase at 2 p.m. The Clydesdales will be trotting around with a restored original Americana beer wagon from the Sky Ride as the starting point of the parade all the way to the Wicked Twister roller coaster.
The famous horses usually make special appearances at highly anticipated national events which are usually televised and viewed by millions of people such as the Macy's Thanksgiving parade and big sporting events all over the states, with the Super Bowl being one of them.

A Clydesdale horse have Scottish origins and would have to weigh in at around 1,800-2,300 lbs and be 6 feet tall measured from the shoulder. The horses are fed about 25 quarts of feed and, 60 pounds of hay and are made to drink 30 gallons of water everyday.

The Clydesdales were acquired as a gift by August Busch Sr. from his son August Busch Jr. in 1933 to commemorate the end of alcohol prohibition and shortly after, the Anheuser-Busch beer empire was born in St. Louis, Missouri. The family currently owns 5 teams of Clydesdales(consists of 10 horses per team).

In addition to the festivities taking place at the theme park, Cleveland Browns professional quarterback brady Quinn will be making a special quest appearance on June 14 and will be holding a public session and a photo-op especially for the fans all day until 1:30 p.m.

Media Contact:

Monday, June 1, 2009


34-year old Miles Standish of Middleville and 28-year old John Alden of Smalltown are under arrest and are currently facing numerous charges for robbing a local pawn shop yesterday morning and for escaping with a stolen vehicle.
According to the local officials, Standish and Alden walked into the Village Pawn Shop at 1407 Main Street at approximately 10:15 Sunday morning and ordered 2 employees to stash jewelry and cash in a duffel bag at gun point and drove off in a stolen blue Dodge Aries that was found parked in a back alley at 684 Willow Street an hour after the incident. Police took immediate action after being notified by the pawn shop employees.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

This Bridge Won't Be Falling Down

Middle County engineer Squire Whipple announced that the State Department of Transportation is granting 200 - thousand dollars for the rehabilitation and repairs of the deteriorating Middle County Salt Creek bridge on Old Route 9. The bridge which spans about 300 feet was built in 1834 and had to be closed in 2005 due to the hazards that were present which worried local preservationists and commuters in the county. The 200 thousand dollar grant will be enough to cover the hefty 2M dollar estimate of total repairs.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Message Sent

SEXTING-(St. Augustine)- Sexting, as defined in the website urbandictionary.com, is "the act of text messaging someone in the hopes of having a sexual encounter with them later." Think: Sweet little Miley Cyrus aka Hannah Montana in a wet tee shirt complete with erect pre-tween um... let's just say that it did not just land in her ex-boyfriend Nick Jonas' phone inbox. 
Had 16 year old little Ms. Cyrus been in the state of Vermont, Sen. John Campbell would have given her a serious reprimanding.
 In a recent article found in collegenews.com, Vermont lawmakers are trying to propose a bill that exempts "sextually active" kids aged 13-18 yrs from prosecution, but would still impose laws against "lewd and lascivious conduct." Sen. John Campbell was quoted on The Today Show saying that "We have to understand that there is certainly a difference between bad behavior and bad decision-making and criminal behavior."
For more of the story, check out http://www.collegenews.com/index.php?/dating/sexting_criminal_or_childish.

Monday, May 18, 2009

It's High Time, Dude

LEGALIZATION DEBATE - (St. Augustine, FL)- Republican California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger wants to debate the legalization of Marijuana not just for medicinal advantages but for recreational purposes in the Golden State.
According to an online San Francisco Chronicle article, “California's projected budget deficit has grown as large as $21.3 billion”
Gov. Schwarzenegger has stated in a press conference that “ ideas of creating extra revenues (are worth considering) … I think we ought to study very carefully what other countries are doing that have legalised marijuana and other drugs." The benefit to California if marijuana is legalized is that they can tax sales of the illegal substance. According to a recent public opinion poll of California voters, a majority of 56 percent favor legalization of marijuana. If the legalization were to be implemented, this California trend is likely to meet with some favoring along with plenty of resistance in many other parts of the country.
St. Augustine locals have a very mixed view of the situation.
Flagler College Bugg’s Bistro employee Patrick Graham, 22 says that “I think that if the entire nation did that (legalize recreational Marijuana), the entire country would greatly benefit and reduce its deficit considerably and I would be more than happy to buy my weed at a highly taxed rate.”
Flagler College Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs Yvan Kelly has a totally different opinion when it comes to the legalization of pot. “Just think, if marijuana was legalized all of you kids would not even find logic in anything anymore- you would just stop attending school to get high, not come in to work because you’re probably too high or sleeping in, and probably use up all your parents hard earned money in order to get a hold of marijuana. You think that’s a fair system? I most certainly do not think so.”
Claire Lawrance, 56 currently unemployed and mother of 3 teenagers aged 13, 15, and 19 is all for it. “If booze, cigarettes and prescription medicines are okay with the government- all of which are heavily abused and can kill a human being, I don’t get why marijuana is such a big issue here.”
Here's the thing. If marijuana is not legalized people who smoke the stuff will continue, people who don't will not. Criminals will continue to profit from the production, distribution, and sale of marijuana. Drug lords will continue to decapitate rivals and hurt innocent folks. Prisons will remain overcrowded with new recruits for harder crimes with no chance for a real life. Taxpayers will continue to dump $$$ billions to enforce marijuana laws. The failed war on drugs will rage on. But if Marijuana is legalized for casual use costly prison overcrowding goes away. Costly public safety budgets are reduced. Police can focus on real crime. A new economic market is opened for growth and jobs. Drug king pins lose. Safety of use is assured. Tax revenues increase without raising taxes on anything else. So where is the debate? It's a true win-win to legalize marijuana.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Story Pitch

SWINE FLU PARANOIA - (St. Augustine) - The Swine Flu outbreak that has been making headlines across the nation since late April is unfortunately way too sensationalized. People do not get their facts right and assume right away that a single sneeze would probably kill them. Locals as well as health officials need to be properly informed on what Swine Flu/H1N1 really is and what should be done in order to prevent it from spreading while at the same time treat patients who actually have not been diagnosed with the actual virus like actual human beings and not shun them away just because of a really bad cold, which is the sad thing that is actually going on right now.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Le Sigh

Writing extinguishes the fire in my brain. I have always been an avid writer, it's just that lately I haven't been doing it as much as I used to. I am a pretty opinionated individual and I refuse to let things go without having something crazy to say. My writing has definitely gotten me places, I have written for my high school paper since freshman year, garnered a perfect score in the essay portion of my SATs and got admitted to three top universities in the West Coast. I also got into serious trouble my junior year in high school because of a blog I posted online which eventually led to my dismissal from my prep school in Guam and prompted me to transfer during my senior year to another high school and start over. My mother always warned me about the kind of material that I write about and to just refrain from using too much explicit content, eheh, well say what again, ma? I attended the University of California-Riverside my freshman year and transferred to the University of California Los Angeles my sophomore year and was part of the Arts and Entertainment Staff of my campus publication. It was a fun job and got to write concert/cd/movie and book reviews which I ultimately loved, but I wanted to change things a bit. I had an issue with the UC administration and wrote an open letter to the President of the University of California, which addressed not only my concern but others' as well. Administration wasn't too happy with it and had me out of the newspaper staff. Le sigh. Next stop: Flagler College? The Gargoyle? ahah no thanks.